How to not fail the Google Analytics IQ Exam

Synclair Maye-Key

Category: Strategy


So you’re planning on taking the Google Analytics IQ Exam – or, like me you’ve failed already. Either way here are a few honest tips:

First question – what will they ask? Everyone wants to know what to study for. Here’s that list (in order):

  • eCommerce Conversions (e.g. what represents a macro conversion for an ecommerce site?)
  • Tags (e.g. give advantages of implementing Google Tag Manager)
  • Attribution Models (e.g. what defines a linear attribution model?)
  • Filters (e.g. what are possible uses for filters?)
  • Other (e.g. a slue of randomly sprinkled questions ranging from dashboard layouts and segments to button clicks and sampling rates)

Cheeaat sheeets – Okay, we’ll call them notes. But whatever you call them have them close at hand. Jumping to them half way through, will only cut your chances of passing in half. In between questions, I found myself checking back to the Search Analytics Help to reconsider my initial answer choice. P.S. Command F is your friend!

Watching the clock – So what you’re expected to answer 70 questions in 90 minutes! Take your time. You’ve got plenty of time to fully read each question carefully, access your “notes”, and give a solid answer. Should you decide to check the clock every time you answer a question like I did – I recommend you reread that question thrice over.

Find a method and stick to it – It’s not hard to take the test, however I would recommend finding a groove. Open the exam in a window, get your notes in another, throw on your best test taking playlist – you can check out mine here – and getting in the zone.

Just take it already! Whether you’re planning to or have failed once before – just f!$%ing take it already. Worst case sanario – you fail, write a blogpost about it, and wait 48 hours to retake it. Best case scenario – you take my advice and pass.

Now breathe, relax, and go kick some GAIQ butt!

fortune favors

the bold

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