The Pixel Questionnaire: Sarah Ficarro


Category: Creative


Our Chief Panda Officer, always near the genesis of an inspired idea (or cocktail), often recalls Marcel Proust’s wit for answering Victorian parlor game questions. Pixel has traveled far from the salons of Paris, but her interest remains piqued in which questions truly reflect a person’s character. Packing just the right amount of punch, NJI created The Pixel Questionnaire to give a glimpse into the inner workings of some of our most intriguing minds.

Graphic Designer Sarah Ficarro invited us to a picnic set amidst the lush grass and beautiful vistas of her private elephant sanctuary to share a delicious bucket of spicy fried chicken. Sticky fingers aside, we endeavored to find out more about this delight Design Fairy and how she takes flight.

What is your spirit animal?

A hedgehog, small but can hurt you.

If you could breed two animals together, what would they be?

I wouldn’t that is how you end up with Jurassic World situations.

If you had a superpower?

Teleportation. I would be able to travel anywhere for free and see the world.

What is your most unusual talent?

I can quote most animated films.

On what occasions do you lie?

Only when asked if I do.

If not yourself, who would you be?

A magic fairy.

If you could jump into a pool of something, what would it be?

Dollar dollar bills y’all.

What would you do if you got stuck in an elevator?

Start channeling MacGyver.

What is your favorite drink?

Tea, hot or cold with sugar.

If a movie were made about your career, what would be the title?

Rise and Design.

You’ve been given an elephant. What do you do?

Buy a bunch of lands so they will be comfortable. Having an elephant friend has been a lifelong dream.

If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Spicy fried chicken.

Your most treasured possession?

My passport.

What’s the greatest length you’ve gone to for a client?

Stayed up 36 hours straight.

Do you have any superstitions?

I avoid cracks and don’t name any files with final.

If you could go back in time, where would you go?

To last Saturday when my mom gave me lasagna so I could eat it again.

What is something you hate but wish you loved?

Working out.

Garden gnomes — what do you think?

Somewhat unsettling. They make me feel watched.

If you joined the circus, what would your circus act be?

I’d be a juggler.

What one object do you take with you on a desert island (you have water and food already)?

Laptop, I have work to do and movies to watch.

Who inspires you?

Joni Pienkowski

What is something you get wrong every time you try?

Nothing, I’m amazzzing (Spelling).

Who would you like to sit next to on a 10 hour flight?

No one so I could stretch out my legs.

What was the last gift you got someone?

Fried Chicken.

If you could talk to one species of animals, which one would it be?


If NJI were a television show or movie, what would it be?

30 Rock.

Who will Pixel interview next? The subject is yet to be revealed, but your patience will be rewarded. She always has the most unexpected ideas.

fortune favors

the bold

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