Airlines for America, EBSI, The Home Depot, PATH’s DefeatDD, and National Beer Wholesalers Association Among Client Collaborations Recognized

NJI is delighted to receive 10 awards for outstanding digital communications, web design, and development in partnership with our clients. Together, we received eight Web Excellence Awards, two AVA Digital Awards.
“In the high-tech digital world we live in, the role of creative artists has become central to every domain,” observed the Web Academy of Digital Arts and Media (WEADAM). The Web Excellence Awards, presented by WEADAM, selected six NJI client projects out of 1,200+ entries from 39 countries to receive awards in eight distinct categories.
At NJI, we believe persuasive design can drive conversations and change perceptions. This recognition underscores that good design resonates across topics, medium, and industries. NJI clients recognized include: Airlines for America, EBSI, The Home Depot, PATH’s DefeatDD, and the National Beer Wholesalers Association.
The AVA Digital Awards, presented by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals since 1994, recognizes excellence by creative professionals responsible for the planning, concept, direction, design, and production of digital communication. NJI’s website designs for Airlines for America and NBWA were both honored.
DefeatDD’s Poo Guru
Two Web Excellence Awards were received for DefeatDD’s character illustration, created by NJI, for World Toilet Day to activate global audiences and foster conversation around sanitation across social media platforms. The Poo Guru aims to defeat diarrheal disease, the second-leading deadly disease for children under 5, by sharing practical and cost-effective prevention and treatment solutions. The work was even featured on NPR, resulting in over 48 million unique viewers.
The illustration series won in the Web Excellence Social Media categories, Health & Wellness and Cause Awareness.
The Home Depot (THD)
Two Web Excellence Awards were received for two distinct projects NJI developed with THD’s Government Relations team. The first award recognizes THD’s Aprons on the Hill, an annual fly-in event bringing employees from around the country to Washington, D.C. to meet with legislators, tour landmarks, and paint the town orange.
The second award celebrates THD’s 2022 Store Managers Meeting, bringing employees from over 2,000 store locations together for a maximum-impact experience. NJI leaned on its expertise in public affairs to amplify both activations. The design and video elements built interest in grassroot advocacy efforts and broke down complex public affairs messaging into digestible, interactive pieces.
The projects won in the Web Excellence Video & Podcast category, Political & Campaigns, and in the Advertising & Marketing category Events.
Airlines for America (A4A)
One Web Excellence Award and one AVA Digital Award were received for A4A’s flagship website, designed by NJI. The website showcases intuitive and timeless design with extended longevity, supported by a CMS that can evolve over time with A4A and the overall airline industry
The website redesign won in the Web Excellence Website category, Travel, as well as the AVA Digital Award in the Website category Travel.
Emergent BioSolutions (EBSI)
Two Web Excellence Awards were received for EBSI’s website, developed by NJI as part of a larger rebranding campaign. NJI leaned on its expertise in storytelling to simplify heavy science and statistics with clean concepts, subtle motifs, and calming colors.
The website won in the Web Excellence Website categories, Pharmaceuticals and Medical.
National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA)
One Web Excellence Award and one AVA Digital honorable mention were received for NBWA’s new brand and website, designed by NJI to reflect innovations in the beer and beverage distribution industry. NJI’s expertise in branding and web development combined with NBWA’s rich content and history culminated with a flexible design for an ever-changing industry rooted in its past but focused on its future.
The project won in the Web Excellence Award Website category, Food & Beverage, and received Honorable Mention in the AVA Digital Awards category, Website Redesign.
“Our creative process is guided by our client’s priorities and perspectives. Achieving their goals is always our top priority. When that work also receives recognition from our peers and global industry leaders it is tremendously satisfying for our team,” observed Lara Kline, NJI President. Recognition from both the Web Academy of Digital Arts and Media (WEADAM) and the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP) is truly a testament to the creative talent and expertise NJI brings to every client project. We are grateful for all of our client relationships and their trust in our ability to create award-winning work together.