Airlines for America

Website Launches Rapid-Response Capability

  • Associations
  • Advocacy Campaign
  • Content Strategy
  • Website


Airlines for America (A4A) advocates for policies and measures that promote safety, security, and a healthy U.S. airline industry. As the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted air travel, A4A engaged NJI to redesign its flagship website to support new goals and priorities.

Three devices—a tablet on the left displaying a news update, a larger tablet in the center showing a map and charts, and a smartphone on the right—hover above a cloud-filled background, illustrating cloud-based technology and cross-device compatibility.


We streamlined site navigation, established an agile content hierarchy and management system, and reduced page-load times by 10%. Custom-built page templates and modules equipped A4A with rapid-response capabilities, allowing them to get messages out quickly. The new website draws attention to important industry news and data while also providing timely resources for media and policy audiences.

A top-down view of multiple digital web page templates arranged diagonally on a white background. The designs feature content areas for text, images, maps, graphs, and navigation elements, with themes related to travel and business.


user interactions per month


unique users per month


page-load time reduction


Global Industry Awards
A smartphone displays a series of blue, semi-transparent floating screens stacked above it, each showing different menu options or settings in white text. The background is a gradient from light to dark gray. The device is angled to the right.


To balance short-term communication needs with A4A’s longer-term outlook, we developed an intuitive design to extend the site’s longevity, supported by a content management system that can evolve with A4A and the industry as a whole. The flexible platform could quickly adapt on the industry’s behalf and was easy to update by A4A staff. We provided real-time support for critical communication via microsites and tailored campaign pages. Our approach equipped A4A with the tools for fast development and timely messaging for many years to come.

A view from an airplane window showing a wing with a gradient of orange light at the tip, against a backdrop of white clouds and a bright sky during sunrise or sunset. The sunlight casts a soft glow over the scene.
A webpage collage showing sections from a company's website. Highlighted areas include "Our Priorities" with a focus on safety and security, "Impact" featuring data and a U.S. map, and "Who We Are" with company background information and logos of partner airlines.
An airplane is shown from the front on a runway. The text "404 We are experiencing delays." is prominently displayed in the background. The same image is shown on both a desktop screen and a mobile screen, indicating a website error page.
A series of smartphone screens display various aviation-related content, including images of airplanes, graphs, and informational text. Two primary phone screens in the foreground show a man in a suit and an airplane in flight.
A website banner displays an airplane wing and tail above the clouds during sunrise, emphasizing a serene, golden sky. The text "IMPACT" is subtly overlaid on the image. The webpage header reads "Airlines for America.