Direct Supply

Rapid-Response Campaign Protects $44 Billion

  • Health Care
  • Advocacy Campaign
  • Content Strategy
  • Paid Media


Direct Supply’s Senior Living Advocacy and their Tell Our Stories™ initiative brings attention to the most critical issues affecting America’s seniors and their caregivers. They engaged NJI to amplify the voices of millions of residents, workers, and caregivers among federal policymakers as they considered critical decisions directly impacting these communities. 

A person holds a tablet displaying the POLITICO website, showcasing newsletters like Playbook, Playbook PM, and POLITICO Nightly. The background includes blurred architecture, suggesting an outdoor location in front of a significant building—perfect for those engaged in rapid-response campaigns or health care advocacy.


NJI mobilized a rapid-response campaign that protected $44 billion in funding and secured its release to senior care communities. Emotionally charged visuals elevated industry data, individual experiences, and media reporting. The campaign garnered over 800K+ digital impressions among Congress members and their influencers.

$44 Billion

Saved in Less Than 72 Hours


Senator Engaged


Calls from Senators to Direct Supply
Three smartphones display different screens against an orange backdrop. The first phone shows a Politico article list, the second displays the Cut Out page with an article on wealth disparity, and the third features the Cut Out podcast cover art with a monochrome portrait—each a testament to modern policy communication.
An exhausted healthcare worker wearing a white protective suit, face mask, and head covering sits against a wall, with noticeable facial marks from prolonged mask use. The setting appears to be a clinical or hospital environment, highlighting the urgent need for effective health care advocacy.
A website displayed over a background of a hospital hallway prompts users to join a rapid-response campaign urging local legislators to provide relief to senior care providers. It includes sections labeled "About," "Advocacy," and forms for name, email, and zip code.


As regulatory and funding debates escalated on Capitol Hill, NJI quickly deployed a digital campaign to support ongoing negotiations about the Provider Relief Fund and amplify industry-wide advocacy efforts. Personal stories highlighted the humanity of seniors and healthcare workers and established meaningful connections with key policymakers. Advertisements urged DC insiders, influencers, and government agencies to join the campaign and amplify the position of industry organizations.

A collage of five different images includes a senior woman with glasses using a walking cane, a healthcare document with charts, a healthcare professional assisting a senior man, an infographic with healthcare statistics, and a screenshot of a POLITICO article highlighting advocacy campaigns.
A black and white image features five people of diverse backgrounds side by side, with a red horizontal brushstroke obscuring their eyes. Each person displays a neutral expression, appearing to range in age and occupation, symbolizing the unity in health care advocacy campaigns.