Leading with Grace and Grit
Women are central to over a century of growth for the creative industry. From graphic designers to copywriters, female employees drive innovation and push boundaries in their respective fields. They are creators, decision-makers, trend-setters, and mentors. Yet women are less likely to hold leadership roles than men and are promoted less frequently than their male counterparts. The gender gap holds true across industries, with the number of female Creative Directors at 11%.
NJI’s Commitment to Gender Diversity
NJI shatters this status quo: women make up 44% of our leadership team, bringing invaluable and diverse perspectives to the table. Our agency’s decision-making is enhanced by their experiences, leading to more innovative solutions for our clients — NJI Heads of Creative and Finance are all women. Representation matters.
Talented women lead in every area of our company. Inspired by the 3 Percent Movement and Women in Digital, we prioritize a diverse pipeline for every hire. In the past year, 62% of new hires have been women. While we’ve made great strides in creating a more inclusive workplace, we recognize the need for ongoing efforts.
Women of color and ethnic minorities face even greater barriers to securing creative jobs and remain significantly underrepresented in leadership. NJI is committed to increasing the representation of minority populations within our agency. 36% of women at NJI identify as ethnic minorities, and we are working on increasing this number to establish more creative teams that bring unique perspectives and skills to our organization.
NJI is proud of the progress we have made in championing diversity and inclusion, but we know there is still a long way to go. We remain committed to advocating for greater representation of women and minority groups and creating a workspace that empowers individuals of all backgrounds.
Celebrating Women’s History Month
In honor of Women’s History Month, we are proud to shine a spotlight on the incredible NJI women who inspire us with their talent, creativity, and leadership. We asked our colleagues to share their thoughts on female colleagues that inspire them.