The Pixel Questionnaire: Kirsten Tieder

Words by NJI
Published January 9, 2024
Last Updated July 16, 2024

Our Chief Panda Officer, always near the genesis of an inspired idea (or cocktail), often recalls Marcel Proust’s wit for answering Victorian parlor game questions. Pixel has traveled far from the salons of Paris, but her interest remains piqued in which questions truly reflect a person’s character. Packing just the right amount of punch, NJI created The Pixel Questionnaire to give a glimpse into the inner workings of some of our most intriguing minds.

Pixel recently challenged Kirsten Tieder, Senior Human Resources Manager to a plank holding competition, followed by hot French vanilla lattes.

Mind reader – I’d love to know what people are really thinking.

I’m not a big liar, but I can find creative ways to tell the truth.

A custom engraved necklace with my son’s name on it, I never take it off.

I always bring a snack or a drink on an elevator in case this happens. I’d hunker down and enjoy my treat.

French vanilla latte, hot (even in the heat of summer; iced coffee is gross).

The roaring 20’s in Paris of course. One big party and so many amazing authors.

I don’t know what I don’t know, so I guess I’ll find out.

I just don’t get it, they’re so creepy!

Question who the heck would give me an elephant and then promptly return it to someone who can take proper care of it. Naturally, I would also ask if I can ride him because you have to, right?

A magical kindle that runs on solar power and has every book ever written.

I bought a hibachi style flat top grill attachment for my husband… keep it quiet because I haven’t given it to him yet!

I don’t want to brag, but I can hold myself in a plank position for a ridiculous amount of time. I’ve been known to challenge people to planking competitions at parties and I always win.

A pig and a bird so we can see pigs fly!

Pizza. You can add veggies, protein, fruit (for the oddball pineapple lovers); it’s so versatile.

Brussel sprouts. I’ve tried to cook those mini cabbages so many ways, and I still hate them.

Riding a bike. After many years and many failed attempts, I finally gave up trying to learn how to do it.

My sister. We have the same taste in movies and books, plus we both like to nap.

The ring leader – I don’t have any spectacular circus skills, but my goodness I could hype everyone else up.

Pillows. I probably would have a rough landing and I’d need something soft.

Dogs. I spend so much time talking to mine, it’d be nice if they could talk back.

Dolly Parton. She’s a perfect example of a hard working and genuine person who goes above and beyond to support others.

Employees are my clients. I may or may not have worked from the hospital bed when I went into labor with my son just to be sure job offers went out successfully and new hires were ready for their first day.

Grey’s Anatomy. Instead of doctor’s, we have marketing professionals. Instead of performing innovative surgeries to support patients, we provide exceptional creative services to delight our clients. Same thing.

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